[lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Manual

Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
Sat Aug 6 16:48:51 UTC 2016

Hello everyone,

I'd like to restart the Lubuntu Manual project.

I have pushed some code to https://git.launchpad.net/lubuntu-manual and
it's mirrored here: https://github.com/tsimonq2/lubuntu-manual .

Here are the changes I would like to make to allow this project to succeed:
 - Manage everything under Git, it's easier for collaboration.
 - Use Sphinx and markdown (I think that is the language that it's
written in) so we can have more formats than just a PDF or just HTML
docs. This will give more flexibility to the users.
 - Keep the manual consistent with the release schedule. It would be
good to release the manual officially when 16.10 is released.

I've drafted a specification that I would like to use:

I'm willing to lead this project and make sure the manual is finished on
time for 16.10, with the intent that in the future, somebody else would
be able to help me lead the project and eventually take over leadership.
I would just like to get the ball rolling.

I would like some feedback and help, so please let me know what you think.

Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
tsimonq2 on freenode and OFTC

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