[lubuntu-devel] Known Problems & Known Issues (Lubuntu)

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Sat Apr 23 13:28:23 UTC 2016

(Brendan, I've got some work for you. Read on…)

Everyone else,

Someone needs to confirm this fix. As I read the bug, a Wily install should
show the problem. So the first step to reproduction would be confirming
that. If you can do that, then I'd try the first alpha of Xenial as it's
the closest to the date of apparent reported fix. If it can be reproduced
there, then double check final.

Unfortunately, hardinfo hasn't changed versions in a long, long time. If
the fix exists, it exists in some other package. That being said, it may be
the case that the reported fix was mistaken. I advise triagers to be
disinclined to call a bug fixed unless they can at least see something in
some changelog that might suggest the fix. That is unless you can have the
original reporter confirm. If you're not sure, use incomplete status.

It's also possible that the steps to reproduce are not clear. One thing may
be some necessary element (extra packages or special hardware). I do notice
the original reporter has two NICs, both with unique enumeration. Perhaps
this is part of the problem?

One thing that's good for reporters to do is to test bugs in a virtual
machine, as it will eliminate the possibility of some hardware specific
issue and give others a common ground to reproduce against. To that end,
I've included the original reporter to see if they can't add some clarity
On Apr 23, 2016 4:31 AM, "Phill. Whiteside" <phillwuk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Walter,
> can you suggest best route for
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hardinfo/+bug/1504682 which
> shows fix released, but is still present?
> Regards,
> Phill.
> On 23 April 2016 at 00:37, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes Phill,
>> But the bug is still there :-P
>> Best regards
>> Nio
>> Den 2016-04-22 kl. 21:30, skrev Phill. Whiteside:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just setting up the wiki page...
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hardinfo/+bug/1504682
>>> (hardinfo does not show type of new interfaces as ethernet )
>>> Shows as fix released?
>>> Regards,
>>> Phill.
>>> On 22 April 2016 at 12:51, Phill. Whiteside <phillwuk at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:phillwuk at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     Hi Nio,
>>>     many thanks.. I've had a tidy up and included the extra bug that
>>>     could be causing the vanishing cursor. As the cryptsetup bug is a
>>>     generic bug, it "should" be in the ubuntu release notes as it is
>>>     marked as critical and assigned.
>>>     @Simon can you also peruse the list Nio has provided and we can swap
>>>     notes on them. I'll get a wiki page set up today at some point so
>>>     people can add in comments that would be out of place on the actual
>>>     bug report :)
>>>     Regards,
>>>     Phill.
>>>     On 22 April 2016 at 10:27, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:nio.wiklund at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>         Hi Phill,
>>>         I want to help you with some issues at
>>>         https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu
>>>         1. These bugs are fixed, and need not be mentioned here:
>>>         - The keyboard is still installed as US-English even if another
>>>         language is selected during the installation (1549529 Workaround
>>>         Exists).
>>>         - lxpanel volume applet settings opens empty terminal window
>>>         (1434774 Workaround Exists)
>>>         2. I made a spreadsheet with current bugs in the final Xenial
>>>         Xerus. It contains general as well as Lubuntu specific bugs, and
>>>         I suggest that you pick the ones that you find relevant and
>>>         write about them at this wiki page. For example:
>>>         This bug affects only systems installed from the alternate iso
>>>         files:
>>>         cursor invisible after timeout and screen-saving (1572640)
>>>         This bug affects only an alternate test case, but the bug itself
>>>         affects also encrypted disk systems installed from Lubuntu
>>>         desktop iso files:
>>>         cryptsetup password prompt not shown (1359689)
>>>         Best regards
>>>         Nio
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