Enhancement: middle-mouse clipboard paste using keyboard

Filip Dominec filip.dominec at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 21:44:28 UTC 2015

Dear Lubuntu developers,
often I need to paste some text I have previously selected when I put my
fingers on the keyboard. Obviously this makes me grab the mouse, point
it to the correct window and click the middle button.

However, a very elegant solution exists. First I had to install two 
little utilities: xdotool xsel

Then I added this key binding to the middle of

     <keybind key="C-A-V">
       <action name="Execute">
           <command>sh -c 'xdotool type --clearmodifiers -- "`xsel`" ; 
xdotool type --clearmodifiers'</command>

This shortcut is so useful that I wanted to share it. I believe it 
should be included in all other Linux distributions, too.
Best regards,

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