<div dir="ltr">Hiya,<br><br>The Iranian Local Community had their greatest ever Ubuntu Release Party in Tehran with more than 100 attendee and celebrated Ubuntu-ir's 2nd anniversary!<br>The Iranian Team started their public work with Ubuntu 6.10 release and soon became a big mature Open Source promoter team in the area and now with more than 3000 users in forums and ~80 posts per day is a very fast growing comunity.<br>
<br>We've had 8 Presentations in this release party. Ubuntu 8.10 features tour, Kubuntu 8.10 features tour, Joomla CMS Introduction, Zekr project Introduction, Desktop effects in Ubuntu & Kubuntu, Ubuntu Server presentation, Linux Kernel comipation howto and finally the Iranian team future plan and roadmap.<br>
<br>I would like to thank all contributers, all talkers, and Farhang Saraye Rasane again for the conference room. <br>You guys all rock and did a great job, THANKS A LOT :-)<br><br>The whole Story, Photos and Presentations:<br>
<a href="http://wiki.ubuntu.ir/IntrepidIbexReleaseParty">http://wiki.ubuntu.ir/IntrepidIbexReleaseParty</a><br><br>Cool figures ;-)<br>Ubuntu 7.04 Release Party: 15 attendee <br>Ubuntu 7.10 Release Party: 25 attendee <br>
Ubuntu 8.04 Release Party: 50 attendee <br>Ubuntu 8.10 Release Party: 100 attendee <br>Ubuntu 9.04 Release Party: ??? <br><br><br>Bests,<br>-- <br>|_|0|_| Yours Sincerely, Mehdi Hassanpour<br>|_|_|0| <a href="http://ImPersian.com">http://ImPersian.com</a><br>
|0|0|0| <a href="http://Hezardastan.org">http://Hezardastan.org</a> , <a href="http://www.ubuntu.ir">http://www.ubuntu.ir</a><br>