-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----<br>Hash: SHA1<br><br>Hello everyone!<br><br>I believe that Canonical has as much interest in the community as a<br>distribution platform as they have in ubuntu as a software platform.<br>
Proof of that is all the help they have been giving to the community<br>members (that's us) for more than 3 years (think in terms of hosting<br>and a cooperation framework) and the CDs that click in to our doors<br>through the ShipIt! system after every release, so I'm not going to
<br>argue on whether they are with or against "us".<br><br>I think however that the participation of Canonical as the sponsor of<br>Ubuntu and the LoCo teams worlwide in local events should generally be<br>more organized and some guidelines should give us an idea of how to
<br>achieve better cooperation.<br><br>An example:<br><br>FLISOL 2008, taking place 2 days after Hardy's release, is the biggest<br>FLOSS event happening in Latinamerica (see:<br><a href="http://installfest.info/FLISOL2008">
http://installfest.info/FLISOL2008</a> for more info).<br>The LoCo team contact members throughout the continent are already<br>organizing the participation of the different teams in the event. I<br>proposed that we should ask Canonical to be an sponsor for the whole
<br>thing and through the LoCo Teams cooperate with the organizers of the<br>event locally (in many cases the organizers are part of the LoCo team<br>already) and thus help distribute our favorite distro and the best the<br>
FLOSS world has to offer.<br>The event is taking place in 18 countries simultaneously and the<br>Ecuador Team will be helping out (the FLISOL organizer from Ecuador is<br>part of the team as well) and giving out ubuntu love to the masses.
<br><br>So the organizers of the event are down with it, the LoCo teams have<br>been positive about it, but where do we go from there? Shall we write<br>an email to Jono? Ask ShipIt and Booths to everyteam? Order Cds (again
<br>from ShipIt)<br> for the event? Send an email to this list about it?<br><br>How do I get to know what Canonical is up to? How can the community<br>voice their interest or make propositions to Canonical and get<br>feedback? Tthink of Canonical in this sense as
<br>ShipIt/Hosting/Developers/Community/Humans and a company out for a<br>viable and profitable business for themselves AND the community around<br>them.<br><br>That is one of the issues we have to solve to avoid problems such as
<br>the double appearance Solutions Linux in Paris and other past events.<br>We have to look at solving this. Telling everybody to just f¤%# off is<br>just not the way, and is not even fare or in accordance to the CoC<br>
that has make this discursive community at all possible.<br><br>Let's keep the ubuntu spirit in this mailist too, please.<br><br>Greetings,<br><br>Rubén<br><a href="https://launchpad.net/~hubuntu">https://launchpad.net/~hubuntu
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<br>tuJn89GiyAnOMm1lmu2/1wA=<br>=HRJ3<br>-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----<br><br><br>