<div>Dear all:</div>
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<div>This is just to inform you that I will be the new LoCo team contact for ubuntu-ve. After having a good party. the ubuntu-ve Council decided that I would take on the duties as a loCo team contact for one year, after which a new contact will have to be elected. The Inmediate past LoCo contact remains active in the community as guide for the new LoCo contact and making sure the teams goals don-t get affected through transition. He will also help the New contact get aquainted with the different dealings of the job.
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<div>The Inmediate past LoCo team contact for ubuntu-ve: Rolando Blanco (<a href="mailto:rolando@ubuntu.com">rolando@ubuntu.com</a>).</div>
<div>The New LoCo team contact for ubuntu-ve: Efrain Valles (<a href="mailto:effie_jayx@ubuntu.com">effie_jayx@ubuntu.com</a>)</div>
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<div>Thanks for the never dying support</div>
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<div>Efrain Valles</div>