I only see one problem with the LoCo Locomotive. There is too much room for politics. I like the idea of several LoCo teams all over the world and one site pointing to each of them. The thing is even if we don't like everything they are all doing and saying we don't have to try to control them. Just having a general list of locations of LoCo computer labs is a good idea and advertising this list. I know there is politics involved in WA State because no one will even add my LoCo team to the list. I understand a set of rules that work such as the Safe Guide To Scouting for the Boy Scouts. This is a plain and simple set of rules that makes it impossible to get in trouble if you follow them and would work great with the LoCo teams if you just took the parts about camping out unless you wanted to allow Linux teams to go on camp outs as part of club activities. The thing is there should be some suggested guidelines but unless the Ubuntu LoCo federation is directly responsible for
the actions of each LoCo team I would not worry to much about controlling them. I would worry much more about advertising the whole thing. To tell you the truth a simple advertising campaign on TV or Radio in the US would be a very good idea. This way you could charge a monthly fee of $10.00 to be listed on the LoCo site as a location and this money would go towards adds for the site. I don't see any problem here. Please let the LoCo team know what you think about this? In WA State and Idaho it seems like pulling teath to get anyone to help me promote my LoCo. <br><br><b><i>Andi Darmawan <andi.darmawan@gmail.com></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> Jono Bacon wrote:<br>> Hi all,<br>> <br>> One of the things I have discussed for a while is the idea of a LoCo<br>> Teams Council - this will be a council to help govern and run the LoCo<br>> community as a whole. The
aim of the council will be to:<br>> <br>> * provide a governing body that people can take decisions on the wider<br>> LoCo community, and be representative of that community.<br>> * approve / reject resource requests, removing the bottlenecks that we<br>> have experienced recently.<br>> * a place for teams to take conflict issues to.<br>> * a forum in which the future plans and direction of the project can be<br>> discussed and debated.<br>> I have written up a document outlining the functions of the council at<br>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams/LoCoCouncil - it is largely derived<br>> from the Forums/IRC councils in how core chunks work.<br>> <br>> Please head over and read it and post comments in this thread - don't<br>> edit the page directly, this way I can merge in the changes.<br>> <br>> Jono<br>> <br><br>LoCo Teams Council is a good idea :)<br><br>Just a suggestions, if it's possible to make the ULTC
members could<br>represent LoCo from every continent. Because the condition of running a<br>LoCo in every country may differ.<br><br>-- <br>Andi "Belutz" Darmawan<br>http://www.belutz.net<br><br>-- <br>loco-contacts mailing list<br>loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com<br>https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts<br></blockquote><br>