Hi all!<br><br>The Ubuntu Nicaraguan LoCo Team is currently in the process of mentoring the other Central American LoCo Teams in order to organize the teams, get them active and hopefully achieve approved status before the end of this year.
<br><br>As a result of this process we created the Ubuntu Central American Team (Ubuntu Centroamerica)[1][2] with the participation of five teams; Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Hopefully we will add the Panama and Belize Ubuntu Team also as soon as they register their teams.
<br><br>We had our first meeting today with the LoCo Team Contacts in the #ubuntu-centroamerica IRC channel. The meeting was very productive and we came to the following agreements:<br><br>* Ubuntu Centroamerica will meet on a regular basis (once a week) in order to follow-up the whole work we are doing.
<br>* The Ubuntu-ni Team will assist the other teams in the area in order to obtain the initial resources up and running (IRC, mailing lists, wiki, etc.)<br>* Ubuntu-ni will also help with the wiki design and content and provide web hosting for the local teams and Ubuntu Centroamerica as needed.
<br>* The 'Consejo Comunitario' (Ubuntu-ni Community Council) will invite the Central American LoCo Team members to the Ubuntu-ni regular meetings so they can get ideas/learn from our experience and contribute as well.
<br>* The Ubuntu Centroamerica Teams will collaborate on joint projects and activities. <br><br>Our first joint project that is being planned right now is a huge two-day Central American Ubuntu Festival in Managua, Nicaragua celebrating the Gutsy Gibbon release on October 2007. We'll have conferences, installfest, booths, exhibitions, contests, CDs give away and much more. We hope we'll be able to invite teams from other regions of the world as well. Maybe we can also get someone from Canonical over here to join us in this celebration, it would be really nice... :)
<br><br>We are documenting this whole experience and hopefully it will be useful for other LoCo Teams around the world. If you're interested in this project and come from a Spanish speaking country (or not) you're welcome to join the team and/or email me.
<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Leo<br><br><br>[1] <a href="https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-centroamerica">https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-centroamerica</a><br>[2] <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCentroamerica">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCentroamerica