[loco-contacts] [Information] New SubLoCo Policy

David Rondon emerling at ubuntu.org.ve
Sun Sep 21 20:35:13 UTC 2014

team in Venezuela, although there is no large hierarchy down leadership,
unlike our large hierarchy is linearly horizontally there is no suoerior or
less between members. Only different roles to play.

  we are divided into regions and regions in states and cities, A
representative for region and a representative of states or provinces, so no
sub teams in each region and state are responsible for providing the
sopotte and
create and participate in events diffusion and installation.

each region has one representative each state or province and another,
are leaders
of the sub accounts ridnen equipment and activities and participation to all
members of Venezuela team.
see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VenezuelaTeam/ContactosRegionales

2014-09-17 9:57 GMT-04:30 Pablo Rubianes <pablorubianes-uy en ubuntu.com>:

> Hi ANIS, first of all I forgot to send it here, sorry guys!.
> And then this is a new option LoCos have in order to get more activity, if
> a team thinks is better to remain without subteams, they don't have to make
> them. We (in the LoCo Council) saw the Brazilian experience, that is
> similar to this new policy, and thought it was a great way of organize the
> team.
> they have a subteam per state and that way they coordinate all the country
> in a better way.
> Also if someone has ideas about how to increase activity in LoCos or want
> to share something with us please do it!
> cheers
> Pablo
> 2014-09-17 11:09 GMT-03:00 ANIS El Achèche <elacheche en ubuntu.com>:
>> Hi!
>> Why nobody shared a such information here?!!  → http://lococouncil.ubuntu
>> .com/2014/09/16/new-subloco-policy/ :) :)
>> Any way, SubLoCos is a great idea if you have a large *active* members
>> in the LoCo..
>> But It will divide the team more and more if you're a limited *active* members
>> in the LoCo.
>> I need to ask if someone already uses the "Team Council" idea.. In *Ubuntu-tn
>> *we adopt this idea since 2007 but we call the "Management Committee"
>> and every members coordinates a Team which is in charge of a specific
>> activity like events or redaction.
>> *El Achèche ANIS*
>> *An Ubuntu-tn Member & Events Team Coordinator*
>> *Official Ubuntu Member  **|** Member @CLibre.tn | Junior
>> SysAdmin @ApptivIT*
>> *elacheche en ubuntu.com <elacheche en ubuntu.com> | # whoami
>> <http://wiki.ubuntu.com/elacheche>*
>> *"I am what I am because of who we all are" - The Ubuntu Philosophy*
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David Emerling Rondón
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