[loco-contacts] Our teams reject the new LoCo Council policy

Nathan Haines nhaines at ubuntu.com
Tue Oct 14 22:15:50 UTC 2014

On 10/14/2014 02:52 PM, Costales wrote:
> Hi Nathan! :)
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Nathan Haines <nhaines at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> This policy *only* applies to Verified teams, and that's *only* relevant to
>> LoCos who want DVDs and stickers.  It literally doesn't apply to any team
>> built around a culture--just those built around countries.
> Why? We have small teams and locale teams (verified or not now)
> working really hard and they won the 'stickers' too.

Because the stickers are extremely expensive to ship and Canonical has 
been scaling back on this kind of swag for 6 years now.

The stickers aren't *for* the LoCo members.  They're to help support 
volunteers who are spending their time and money to put on real-world 
events.  They're for outreach.  This is (and always has been) the goal 
of the LoCo Team project.

>> The *real* problem is that this policy was written with a giant
> Yes, it's true.
> Another problem is that we didn't listen the LoCos before an important
> change like this. And we have teams rejecting it.

The teams rejecting it are the teams who aren't affected by it.

>> the policy is directed at cities that want their "own" team, as
>> well as safeguarding regional representation for teams that do decide to
>> promote smaller regional teams.  It has nothing to do with "cultural" teams.
> That is not mentioned in the policy:
> http://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/2014/09/16/new-subloco-policy/
> With this policy the 'cultural' teams are out of the law.

They're not mentioned in the policy because non-country level teams 
haven't been allowed for over 8 years.  Exceptions have been 
granted--usually to very early LoCo teams that formed before the LoCo 
project was cemented.

No existing LoCo teams are being reclassified.  This is aimed at 
*existing* teams that want to subdivide themselves into smaller teams.

So unless the Catalonia or Galacian teams which already exist want to 
subdivide themselves, they're not affected.  And if those teams aren't 
asking for physical supplies from Canonical, they're also not affected.

The only new policy that affects otherwise ineligible teams is:

* In the event what is considered a sub-team wants to be considered a 
LoCo, it will need to present a request to the LoCo Council.

If you think that is objectionable, raise the objection to the LoCo 
Council and maybe you can get them to remove it.


Nathan Haines
Ubuntu - http://www.ubuntu.com/

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