[loco-contacts] Our teams reject the new LoCo Council policy

Nathan Haines nhaines at ubuntu.com
Tue Oct 14 18:22:01 UTC 2014

On 10/14/2014 11:13 AM, Michael Hall wrote:
> Again there is no forcing going on, if you feel that your community is
> not part of the wider national community in which you are geographically
> situated, just ask the LC for an exception. It's really not a big deal,
> it's very simple to change.

It doesn't really breed confidence, though, when affected persons ask 
"can you clarify these guidelines because we're concerned?" and the 
response from the LoCo Council is "read the guidelines."

That kind of response is hostile and frankly inappropriate.  It's pretty 
clear to me that Marcos and others don't understand the spirit of the 
guidelines, but the LoCo Council immediately tried to shut down 
discussion and move it to private communication (which is also 
inappropriate and counter-productive).

I would question the likelihood of the LoCo Council giving my request 
due consideration under such circumstances, too.


Nathan Haines
Ubuntu - http://www.ubuntu.com/

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