Fwd: Mock virtual Ubuntu Hour

Ron Swift rswift at swiftstaffing.com
Sat Jan 4 14:45:24 UTC 2014

I would like to be included in your test virtual meeting setup on behalf of the ubuntu-maryland group.

Svetlana Belkin <barsookmud at yahoo.com> wrote:
>As a Point of Contact of Ubuntu Ohio LoCo, I would like to tell you
>we testing the idea of using chatb.org and WebRTC for virtual Ubuntu
>Hours.  If anyone wants to test this with the Ubuntu Ohio LoCo, you are
>welcome to.  Once I figure out how many are doing this, I will send out
>an e-mail for a Doodle poll.  Or if anyone wants to set up a mock
>virtual Ubuntu Hour, you are welcome to do so.
>This idea can be also applied to other teams.
>Thank you,
>Svetlana Belkin
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Mock virtual Ubuntu Hours
>Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 20:32:55 -0500
>From: Svetlana Belkin <barsookmud at yahoo.com>
>To: ubuntu-us-ohio at lists.launchpad.net
>Over the last two days, on our IRC channel, jrgifford, paultag, and I
>were talking about using a website that runs WebRTC and it's called
>chab.org.  We have a channel open for use: chatb.org/#ubuntu-us-ohio We
>are planning to host virtual Ubuntu Hours (vUH, if a shorthand is
>allowed) instead of in-person Ubuntu Hours since we are very scattered
>in our LoCo and state.
>If you are interested in this, please reply to this thread (or the
>mailing-list one) so we can figure out how many are coming and what
>of dates that we do this mock vUH.  If this successfull, we can roll
>these out bimonthy or based on what we decide to do.
>Thank you,
>Svetlana Belkin
>A.K.A: belkinsa
>Member of: LoCo Contacts, Ubuntu Doc Team, Ubuntu Ohio, Ubuntu Women
>User Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa
>loco-contacts mailing list
>loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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