Re-Energizing LoCo Teams

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Fri Sep 6 04:11:30 UTC 2013

It's nice to see some discussion on the list again. Frankly, I thought that
LoCos were just being phased out.

A few years ago, as I got involved in Ubuntu-Women, and then the larger
Ubuntu and Kubuntu communities, I was enthusiastic to get a local group
going, and by wonderful chance, another woman had the same idea at the same
time, so we cooperated. We did things in the right way, got meetings going,
filed reports, etc.

What we didn't realize is that the LoCo Council would be unable or
uninterested in getting the 'old' team contact to give up his 'position'.
He's still the contact of record; as far as I know, not even subbed to this
list. He's never responded to Linda or me (or anyone else that I know of).
We asked for help more than once, but nothing ever came of it.

And then I discovered another layer of history here. We used to have an
enthusiastic and active Pacific Northwest LoCo, but the Powers That Be
deprecated such groups. It was at that point that the Washington group was
created, Chuck took that over, and has been a boat anchor ever since. Those
members who were enthusiastic back then, are no longer interested in
helping out now. If I had to guess, I would say that they are still bitter
about their group being killed off.

I don't know if someone else can overcome the weight of history here, but
I'm no longer interested in trying. I'll help out, attend meetings, etc.,
but it is too difficult to swim against the current. It feels bad to type
the previous sentence. It feels to me like all the energy and enthusiasm on
the part of local people has been tossed aside.

I hope our example is not common.

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