Should we sunset

Javier P.L. chilicuil at
Tue May 14 17:39:27 UTC 2013

On 14/05/13 at 06:56am, David Overcash wrote:
> I'm in agreement with Alexandru - Launchpad is certainly not an effective
> place for new ( or even longtime ) users to submit ideas and wishlist bugs.
>  The interface can be pretty intimidating and whatnot.  However, having the
> data ON launchpad is the best place for it - developers can actually triage
> and track progress, and users can be easily pulled into testing features
> via a PPA.
> Wouldn't it make sense to build a quick application using the Launchpad API
> that effectively used wishlist bugs as it's persistent storage?  Seems
> fairly straightforward:
> - Creating an idea creates a wishlist bug.
> - Upvotes = "This bug affects me"
> - Comments would obviously translate to comments...

Totally agree on this idea 

> Looking through the Launchpad API ( )
> it seems like it would be possible.  The obvious benefit being that the
> traffic for each feeds the other - creating a nice feedback loop without
> developers or users having to go anywhere they're not used to.
> Cheers,
> David

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