Should we sunset

Jorge O. Castro jorge at
Tue May 14 13:12:58 UTC 2013

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 4:32 AM, Alexandru Cucu < at> wrote:
> The current state of is due to it being neglected
> (just look at that brown colour we ditched 4 years ago) and not being
> promoted enough. Can't remember the last time I saw an URL pointing to this
> project or heard someone talking about it.

That's because it's not very effective. As mpt alluded to, we have
plenty of ideas. Collating ideas isn't the problem, it's having
limited resources that can implement them.

> For some people, Launchpad is a scary place and avoid using it. The truth is
> that a huge list of bugs with technical names is intimidating.

Implementing an operating system is inherently complicated and in
Ubuntu it's participatory, I don't think hiding this complexity from
the users will help; I don't think the site should be about dumping
ideas and then leaving all the hard work for someone else.

> We need a place where non-tech savvy people can express regarding how things
> work or should work. A friendly user interface, integrated with Launchpad,
> would be a nice thing to have.

That brings us to the same problem brainstorm has, who's going to
write and maintain it?

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.

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