DVD news

YoBoY yoboy.leguesh at gmail.com
Fri May 3 17:38:38 UTC 2013


I finally found the svg of the unity launcher icon, big thanks to 
Matthieu James the creator of this icon who helped me. :)

The result if someone wants to adapt this work:
  - http://yoboy.fr/design/2013/13.04_desktop-fr_cd_disc_AW.svg
  - http://yoboy.fr/design/2013/13.04_desktop-fr_wallet_AW.svg

I join also the svg of the file from Matthieu (licence of the unity 
project GNU GPL v3, GNU LGPL v3) if someone wants to play with it.

Good luck everyone.

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Nom: dash-home-512.svg
Type: image/svg+xml
Taille: 20994 octets
Desc: non disponible
URL: <https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/attachments/20130503/eec5afb3/attachment-0001.svg>

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