Ubuntu Oregon Global Jam Announcement!

Benjamin Kerensa bkerensa at ubuntu.com
Sat Feb 23 10:58:01 UTC 2013

Hello Oregonians!

We will be having a Ubuntu Global Jam on March 3rd at FreeGeek* from 1pm 
to 5:00pm. Our Global Jam will focus on Bug Work which seems to be a 
continuing and popular theme for our jams. If you are unfamiliar with 
bug work I encourage you to please check out the wikis at the bottom of 
this announcement. This event will not have food sponsors this year due 
to the limited time I had to put this together however if you would like 
you are more than welcome to bring a food or beverage item to share with 
others potluck style.

I will be acting as a tutor to help though who are new to bug work in 
order to allow our more experienced loco members to get the most 
contributions in.

*Please note although we are planning for FreeGeek this is contingent on 
me completing my key training next week and if for any reason that 
training cannot occur then the location may be moved to an alternate site*

Event RSVP (Please RSVP since space will be limited to about 15-20 people):

If you are bringing food/beverage to share please add to the spreadsheet:

Bug Work Resources:

Benjamin Kerensa

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