Coming up with another term for Approved LoCo Teams - Discussion

Bhavani Shankar R bhavi at
Sat Feb 9 15:20:10 UTC 2013

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Neil Oosthuizen <nlsthzn at> wrote:
> Seen many good arguments as well as many good counter arguments to this
> issue.
> Not to fragment opinion even more but think something like "recognized"
> might also work...

Hello Niel,

Firstly, thanks a lot for contributing to the discussion :-)

Considering that LoCo teams for a particular area are a group of
people who are like minded to spread ubuntu who finally team up
themselves to get recognized as a team working in that particular area
to spread awareness on ubuntu, How does the recognized/unrecognized
word work here in terms of getting approved?


Bhavani Shankar
Ubuntu Developer       |

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