New Local communities health check process

Craig Maloney craig at
Sun Aug 25 18:55:32 UTC 2013

On 08/25/2013 10:09 AM, Bhavani Shankar R wrote:
> Dear All,
> As the subject says, this process will be the new process, aiming to
> replace the current re approval process. It aims to be less formal,
> more interactive and above all still keep people motivated to be
> involved in the Ubuntu community.

Thank you very much for seeing this process through. I've held that the 
approval / re-approval process needed some work, and I'm grateful that 
we've come as far as we have. Thank you.

> What is needed for a HealthCheck?
> Create a Wiki with the activities of the period - Name the wiki page
> with Name of your team plus the YEAR example -
> "LoCoTeamVerificationApplication20XX" with the below details:

It seems a lot of this information can currently exist on the teams 
loco-team directory page and Launchpad. Would it be possible for teams 
who keep their loco-team directory pages current to use this in lieu of 
the reporting pages? I know for our team that most if not all of this 
information is covered already, and it feels like duplication of effort 
to put that all in a separate report.

Also, are there still scheduled meetings for re-verification? It seemed 
like there were, but it didn't seem like this was explicitly mentioned.

Thanks again for your efforts in streamlining this process!

   Craig Maloney  (craig at
     "Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
      wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo

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