Countdown banner 12.10 from Ubuntu Greece

Amir Eldor amir.eldor at
Thu Sep 27 06:07:09 UTC 2012

I did some changes with my team to the script!

 - It's localized to Hebrew now and thus has `direction: rtl` in the CSS.
Just remove that line or change to `ltr` for LTR languages :)
 - The countdown for "days already here!" was fixed to not show a "-" sign
(negative days). Not sure if this was intended by the original scripter
 - Some indentation was made
 - HTML5 compliance
 - The url of the image in the CSS is not absolute now.
 - more? (

The JavaScript can be further optimized but I don't feel like doing that
right now :)
The new script is attached, with a git repository in it :), but I forgot to
commit the original version of the script :(.

I've added it to our test website at with the
following code (make changes so it fits your site):
<div style="text-align: center" ><iframe width="119" height="110"
frameBorder="0" src="

Can someone test it on several browsers? I only tested it in Firefox and
would like to know if it also works on Chrome and version of IE since at
least IE8. If it all looks good we can add it to the production website.


On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 6:30 PM, George Christofis <geochr22 at>wrote:

> Thanks for the good words...
> If any team decide to use the countdown banner, we would like to show us
> your website with the banner...
> 2012/9/26 Sergio Meneses <sergioandresmeneses at>
>> Congratulations! It's awesome I'm going to share it with my LoCo team.
>> Sergio Meneses
>> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 10:22 AM, Amir Eldor <amir.eldor at>wrote:
>>> Hi George!
>>> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 2:58 PM, George Christofis <geochr22 at>wrote:
>>>> Hi mates,
>>>> the Greek community has created a countdown banner for 12.10 which is
>>>> used in our forum :
>>>> If you like the banner, you are free to add it in your website doing the
>>>> followings 4 steps in order to have the banner in your language :
>>> This is great, thanks for sharing!
>>> Amir
>>>> 1) Make the changes in the code (you can find it here inside the
>>>> spoiler-> )
>>>> The changes that you must do are in the 3 lines that are in Greek
>>>> language.
>>>> *For example* for the Engligh language, you must replace the
>>>> followings:
>>>> ημέρα ακόμα -> day left
>>>> ημέρες ακόμα -> days left
>>>> είναι εδώ -> is here
>>>> 2) Save the code and the image
>>>> in your server
>>>> 3) Replace the path of the image that you save in the code
>>>> 4) Put the following in your website but with your own path of
>>>> count.html
>>>> <iframe src="" style="width:
>>>> 130px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
>>>> 5) Enjoy the banner!
>>>> Or else you can have the countdown in Greek language without any
>>>> changes, just copied the following code :
>>>> <iframe src="" style="width:
>>>> 130px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
>>>> George Christofis
>>>> Ubuntu Greece
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