Ordering 11.10 CD's

laura at lczajkowski.com laura at lczajkowski.com
Tue Sep 27 14:11:59 UTC 2011

 Aloha folks, 
It's that time of the cycle again where we get to order CD's PLEASE
follow the instructions carefully.  This applies to APPROVED TEAMS
only, please do not apply if you are not an approved team.
PLEASE follow the details listed
on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingCds [1] 
It will link you to https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/ [2]

The request to be valid must fulfill following conditions:

- status must be "Completed" 
- launchpad team name must exists in Launchpad
- launchpad team must belong to approved loco team
- launchpad username must exists in Launchpad
- launchpad username must be an admin of the launchpad team
- the request must be unique for the team (all the next will be

From that list the most important bit is to make sure launchpad team
and launchpad username are entered correctly, exactly as it's listed
in the

Please (saying please a lot I know) remember it is not the LC who are
 responsible for sending the CD's we are the messenger!
Thanks folks. 
Laura Czajkowski on behalf of the Ubuntu LoCo Council 

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingCds
[2] https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/

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