Conflict... No more :)

Karim Fayez karim.fayez at
Thu Sep 8 10:47:40 UTC 2011

Dear all;
I had the chance to meet with some of the bright minds we have in Egypt. We
discovered that the issue is based mostly on a misunderstanding caused by
miscommunication and a tech problem and we cleared the issue in a very
constructive way in a friendly environment. We also discussed several plans
for the future of this team that will be posted on the mailing list. I hope
now after resolving the issue we can all work and focus on the benefit of
this team. @ahmed toulan it was really great meeting u in person ya m3alem
and hope it's just the beginning of a different phase. thanks to everyone I
met and everyone in this bright team for being a part of this group.

Karim Fayez
sent via android
On Sep 8, 2011 12:34 PM, "Ahmed Toulan" <thelinuxer at> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Today we (me and some of the team members) had a meeting and Karim Fayez
> joined us. We had a fruitful meeting. There was a missunderstanding about
> the issue, we got a chance to reach a common understanding. It was mostly
> matter of miss communication. And the issue was cleared.
> Thanks for bearing us :)
> Regards,
> Ahmed Toulan.
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