Regarding Changing Egypt LoCo's team Owner

Amir Eldor amir.eldor at
Tue Sep 6 18:53:18 UTC 2011

Hello Ahmed,

What is a 'team owner'? I believe a LoCo team cannot be 'owned' by someone
as it is a mutual work of many people with the same interest. Just make sure
everyone knows who is the team 'point-of-contact' and you'll be fine :)
Inside your LoCo team, have whatever organization that's working for you.

Good luck!

On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Ahmed Shams <ahmedkhattabshams at>wrote:

> Hello Everybody,
> I'm Ahmed Shams from Egypt LoCo Team,
>  Regarding the previous messages sent to this mailing list mentioned that
> Egypt's LoCo team is seeking making a change to the team owner "Karim
> fayez", I'm apologizing for the noise caused on this mailing list, sure it's
> the wrong one to discuss internal matters.
>  I want to inform you all that this issue is almost finished as the team
> now have a consensus to have a meeting to discuss our current situation and
> make the most suitable decision regarding it, with the purpose of making
> sure that this decision(whatever it would be) will make a better future for
> the team and it's effort in Egypt. This meeting is going to be held
> ASAP(before Friday or earlier), so the team can focus on the cause of
> spreading Ubuntu again.
> Again, sorry for the noise caused and please allow me to reply to this mail
> with the decision made, once we make it.
> --
> Regards,
> Ahmed
> --
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts at
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