egypt loco team

Karim Fayez karim.fayez at
Tue Sep 6 00:08:40 UTC 2011

Dear all;
First of all I apologize if someone saw my mail offending and sorry for
raising the issue to the loco contacts mailing list but I just replied to
what was sent before.
My defense is more of a self defense as I am not opposing any motion inside
the team to change the owner but the history of conflict started when
several events where announced and conducted over 2007-2008 and before that
didn't have any contribution what so ever from the team and I felt like
being alone in the team and continued working on my own till a year ago I
got contacted by a team member who told me every one is looking for me and I
was surprised that no one had ever contacted me while all it takes is a
simple phone call or an email. And I told him I am ready for whatever the
team wants and sent a long email to the loco mailing list stating this and
showing my availability back then but still no one had ever tried to make a
contact with me. I even spent a full day on the irc channel after that email
to find someone to talk to but no one showed up there. Not a single member.
It was much better to at least contact me once before starting claiming that
I am missing and disappearing and these stuff.
I am still active and working and contributing in a team I would love to
work with but never found anyone to do so. And I am not insisting to be the
owner nor the leader as that is directly related to the team's opinion which
I highly respect but I refuse to be accused of being not there while no one
had ever tried to contact me and failed.
I am ready to meet and talk to anyone at anytime if someone is at least
interested enough to contact me or at least try and willing to sit down to
discuss the matter and I don't mind being a normal member as the whole team
is equal and have similar roles and willing to continue my contributions
through the team as the team sees fit.
My phone number is written by the end of each email so please contact me to
solve the issue the way it should be.

Thanks and all the respect
Karim Fayez
sent via android
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