Please share with your LoCos

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Wed May 25 20:56:56 UTC 2011

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Jared Norris <jrnorris at> wrote:
> I'm forwarding this to the Australian Team, it looks very handy. The other
> aspect I'd like considered though is giving a bit more detail on who is
> collecting the data and how it will be used. The comment on "a bunch of
> members of the community" doesn't really give much information on the topic
> and I'm always a bit reserved about just giving unspecified people
> unspecified access to data collected, no matter how identifying it can be. I
> don't expect a massive long list of everyone and everything, but is there a
> link to the project that spawned this idea so interested people can look
> into it further?

Answered on IRC but saying it here too:
I worked with other members of Bug Control, IRC ops who watch support
channels, Accessibility team members, and QA team members to come up
with the list of questions.  The results will be made public as
percentages, charts, etc. and also unique quotes from some of the text
fields.  The raw spreadsheet is readable by the Ubuntu Release Manager
(Kate Stewart), Kernel Triager (JFo), another member of the QA team
who presented it to them (C de-Avillez), and myself, but because such
detailed information can be identifiable when you know a combination
(location, desktop, accessibility needs, etc.) for an individual
response, the spreadsheet will remain private. Also, because some
people are signing their names.

There has been interest from the teams mentioned above and the LoCo
Council regarding the results, so I'm pretty sure they're planning on
making use of the results.

Mackenzie Morgan

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