Please share with your LoCos

Marcus Moeller marcus.moeller at
Wed May 25 07:59:53 UTC 2011

Hi all.

> tir, 24 05 2011 kl. 21:13 -0400, skrev Mackenzie Morgan:
>> When your interaction with other Ubuntu users is entirely made up of
>> developers talking about bugs they need to fix and users seeking
>> support (IRC, forums, bug reports), your perspective changes.  It's
>> hard to get a good idea of the big picture.  What portion of users are
>> hitting problems in what areas?  How do users who've reported bugs
>> feel about the experience? How are the local community teams doing?
>> That kind of stuff is hard to wrap your head around without metrics.
>> To that end, a bunch of members of the Ubuntu community have worked
>> together to create a survey that'll help those of us working on
>> various parts of Ubuntu understand where we need to improve and how we
>> can do better.
>> If you have an opinion on Ubuntu, please take 5 minutes to fill out
>> the following Ubuntu User-Experience survey:

Shared with the Swiss LoCo members :)


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