Logging of Ubuntu LoCo Teams core channels
nixternal at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 4 23:58:04 BST 2010
On Mon, Oct 04, 2010 at 08:01:53PM +0100, Ubuntu LoCo Council wrote:
> Dear LoCo Contacts,
> Greetings from the LoCo Council, We would like to take a moment and discuss
> some ideas with you about implementing LoCo Bot logging of #ubuntu- channels
> on freenode. There is a method to this madness, and this would only apply to
> #ubuntu-<loco-team-name> (*main channels only, not off-topic ones*).
> The LoCo Council have discussed the issue of LoCo-team channel logging with
> the IRC Council and we've taken advice from Jono Bacon, the Ubuntu Community
> manager. It was recommended to us that all LoCo teams should enable logging
> for their main channel, and that we open this up for discussion on this
> mailing list.
I think I have to agree with the email sent by Robert in response to this
suggestion. I feel it should be voted upon and not mandated by some higher
authority for various reasons (re: below).
> For many Approved teams this is already a standard practice and we thank
> you for it, but we would like to encourage this practice among the rest of
> the teams for a couple of good reasons:
> - When new contributors are checking out teams they will have an
> opportunity to read past logs in effort to better learn more about the team,
> this will help them to see what they can expect from the team, and even
> potentially find where there are needs that they might be able to help with.
I have yet to see an instance where a possible contributor checks out our
LoCo channel's logs or asks where they can read the logs.
> - Transparency - LoCo team channels (especially main channels) should
> strive to be a collaborative environment, where both gurus and new users can
> feel at ease to ask questions and have discussions in a non-offensive
> manner. Many channels ask in their channel topics that users within the
> channel be respectful and honor the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.
I think the channels are transparent enough, if you can get on IRC, join
the channel, see what is going on. Most of the time, not much at all is
going on. I also don't see how a log will make gurus and new users feel at
ease. Non-offensive was a good key as to why I think you all want to
implement the logs. I don't think we need hallway-monitors in every
> - Help the LoCo Council with team mediation in case of issues that arise.
> We have had several teams and team members asking the council the help with
> issues that have surfaced only to find that most of the complaints of
> behavior/dialogue took place within unlogged channels. This then becomes an
> issue of one contributor/member/users word over another, and can make things
> very difficult to mediate, and issues hard to resolve.
Myself or others in the #ubuntu-chicago channel have yet to mediate
anything. Our channel has been around for 4+ years without a single
incident, and stating the log will help for mediating doesn't tickle my
fancy. I feel like someone wants to raise the terror level when there is no
threat :p
> We would like for this to be considered a requirement for all LoCo Team
> Channels, who are present under the #ubuntu- name space on freenode, not
> just Approved Team channels. This would only apply to each team main/core
> channel and does not apply to additional offtopic/chat channels. While some
> teams have created offtopic channels in the past this has also lead to the
> team core channel not being used and in some cases killing off their channel
> so please be considerate of this.
I understand the council wanting this, but this is something I think that
should be voted upon by the community. I live in the US, and we are policed
enough. I don't want to feel like I am joining IRC with the police watching
over me (no tin foil hat jokes please). I don't care if I am logged,
because as many of you know, I am in pretty much every other channel that
is logged and it doesn't bother me, but there are others who don't like it.
In the meantime, my vote would be a -1 for such a proposal.
Name| Richard JOHNSON
Title| Developer
WWW| http://www.ubuntu.com
Email| nixternal at ubuntu.com
GnuPG| 3578 0981 A21D D662 2A96 7623 F4C1 838C D8C4 4738
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