Call for Open Week presenters (redux!)

Jorge O. Castro jorge at
Tue Mar 30 16:05:27 BST 2010

Due to overwhelming amount of non-participation so far I am resending
this call for presenters again! Just kidding, we know everyone is
busy, but if this guilt trips you into committing for a session now
then that's ok. :D

Hi all its almost that time again (again!),

The time where your inbox and IRC client are flooded with myself
and/or akgraner asking you to lead an OpenWeek Session. OpenWeek has
grown since it's inception, so much so that we even have a program
guide and want to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to run a
session if they'd like. We're going to be doing this in a "Call for
Papers" style Call for Sessions. The information is here:

Once you've decided that you want a session please send either of us a
mail with your Name, Topic, Summary of Session, Bio, and Photo so we
have something nice for the program guide.

Since Lucid is an LTS we are expecting tons of people with lots of
questions, which is why we purposely put OpenWeek right after the
release; remember OpenWeek is for end users so you don't have to be a
hardcore developer to run a session so we'd like to see as many new
people volunteering to be tutors as possible.  Time to share your
knowledge! If you need ideas for sessions take a look at some of the
past Ubuntu Open Week sessions http://wiki.ubuntu.con/OpenWeek

If you are a Spanish-speaker the Ubuntu Centroamerica folks are
running a Spanish version as well:

If your Local Team is interested in running your own OpenWeek in a
different language then get a hold of us and we'll help you get
organized! Thanks in advance and we can't wait to see our inboxes
filling up with submissions and ideas! We're also idling in
#ubuntu-locoteams if you want to talk or need help.

Jorge Castro
jorge (at)
External Project Developer Relations
Canonical Ltd.

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