Need help getting an Ubuntu Stack Exchange created through promotion

Josep Sànchez josep.sanchez at
Fri Jul 16 02:03:01 BST 2010

2010/7/16 Daniel Van‵Stone <>:
> Hello to you also,
> I see a need to spread Ubuntu but promotion through this medium may make
> searches for solutions even more difficult.
> I agree also that focus should be on maintaining current forum, and
> sites already in existance.

I also agree than having more tools with no specific added value
respect the existing just makes more fuzzy the experience to
new/non-tecchie community members.
It seems also odd to me to use a propietary-closed source tool for
this. I've read that they will change the license to Creative Commons
for ubuntu data, but it will still be running in a closed source tool,
which is not a good beggining.
If there is *really* needed to implement another Q&A tool there are
other options as Shapado, that are open, free (as beer) and another
really important feature is *i18n* what is a *must* in a community
like Ubuntu, among other features.


Josep Sànchez

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