Need help getting an Ubuntu Stack Exchange created through promotion
Stas Sușcov
stas at
Thu Jul 15 12:34:11 BST 2010
În data de Jo, 15-07-2010 la 11:12 +0100, Evan Dandrea a scris:
> Hi there!
> We're trying to get the good people at Stack Exchange to create a
> community Ubuntu users and developers question and answer site built
> on their platform and hosted for free by them (with all the content
> being CC licensed). As part of the proposal process we need to get
> people to visit the following page and click on the "Commit!" button,
> signalling that this is a website they would like to use, should it be
> created:
> If you're curious as to what this will look like once accepted, then
> there are already a few sites in public beta that you can explore:
> Thanks to some really lovely people in the community, we've already
> had coverage on Ubuntu Forums
> <>, the Design Team
> blog <>,
> and OMG! Ubuntu!
> <>.
> But as I explain in my blog post
> <>, we need to
> reach out further into the community and let the boots-on-the-ground
> Ubuntu users know what we're all trying to do, and how they can help
> be a part of it by going to the proposal website and clicking on the
> "Commit!" button.
> This is where you come in. :) If this project excites you as much as
> it does for me, wont you please tell your LoCo teams about it. Feel
> free to use your own referral link (Stack Exchange has a spectacularly
> fun reward / badges system) that you can generate by signing up and
> then clicking on "Share This" on the proposal page. Lets work
> together to make this something truly spectacular that brings even
> more Ubuntu users into the fold and gives them a means of getting
> really high quality responses to their questions and continuous
> encouragement to help others.
> Thanks for your time.
Same thing everywhere, looks like people got mad on SE.
I'm following wp-hackers, and the SE thread spammed us for a couple of
weeks constantly.
My advice is, if you want to start a new community around SE, do that,
but stop asking people to help you without explaining them all the pros
and cons of this action.
The main evil thing with SE is that:
* It isn't free software
* The data belongs to the guys behind SE
* It has nothing to do with ubuntu as a community
What I would really like to see, is a new initiative to
rebuild/organize/simplify existing ubuntu forums, instead of trying to
get people on SE.
Good luck with it.
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