Best Practices and Guidelines

Paul Tagliamonte paultag at
Thu Aug 26 17:37:15 UTC 2010

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Paul Tagliamonte <paultag at> wrote:
>> Does anyone disagree with coming to the conclusion that we need to
>> make sure a LoCo focuses on a whole state and not just one city in a
>> state? -- I thought that was in the definition of a LoCo, but I could
>> just be a liberal judge ;)
> I agree that LoCos should work to encourage and promote events
> throughout their country. This means sharing team resources, making
> sure everyone is notified of upcoming events and projects, and in
> general encouraging individuals in their areas to do LoCo stuff where
> they live (an installfest may be tricky, but it only takes one person
> to put some Ubuntu CDs in their local library!).
> However, I wouldn't berate teams who are generally much more active in
> cities. There are more people in cities, more people can take on more
> ambitious projects, and these anchor city teams will always exist.
> Folks in cities cannot MAKE people in less populated areas do events
> and be active, the people who live there have to do that, all the city
> folks can do is to encourage them and be supportive when they do.

Which is why I don't think it should be a hard standard, and why I use
words like "encourage" and "foster". No one is saying "you'll be
unapproved if you don't".

I think we're all taking this a bit harder then it was intended

> --
> Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2
> --
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts at

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