We need your help!

Nathan Haines nhaines at ubuntu.com
Sun Aug 15 19:35:01 BST 2010

On 08/15/2010 11:20 AM, Alan Bell wrote:
> On 15/08/10 18:48, Chuck Frain wrote:
>> The question to you was "are you suggesting that the digest subscribers
>> and non-subscribers are not allowed to participate on this mailing
>> list?"
> of course they can participate. Not being a digest subscriber to any
> lists I am curious about how one would normally reply to a digest mail.
> Surely a list would quickly grind to a halt if everyone replied to
> digests including the full digest as the next days digest would be full
> of digests from the day before and would be quite um, indigestable.

Well, in theory you do what you'd do with any reply and only quote the 
part you were responding to.

Paul asked Elanor not to reply because it breaks threading, which would 
seem to suggest that there's no way for a non-subscriber to participate 
either.  I'm sure that's not what he meant but as he declined to answer 
I suppose we'll simply be left to guess.

Nathan Haines
Ubuntu California Local Community Team

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