People problems when organizing an event

Santiago Zarate santiago-ve at
Wed Apr 28 05:26:31 BST 2010

So far, in Venezuela, we never ask anyone to do something specific;
Most of the time, there's a list of what has to be done. People come
to the team who's organizing a particular FLOSS event, and tell what
they can do.

Actually, what i think is: Volunteering is about helping in a
particular job expecting no kind of payment or retribution. ¿To be
called "Volunteer" and only "Observe" is actually helping you in the
event?, to me it doesnt.

You can try to find a particular task for the "observers"... but
actually i think they're more interested in the free trip to the
university than helping you. To me, ask for contribution isnt
impolite... its more like "meritocracy" and i quote from the ubuntu
website[1]: This is not a democracy, it's a meritocracy. We try to
operate more on consensus than on votes, *seeking agreement from the
people who will have to do the work*.


2010/4/27 Le Kien Truc <afterlastangel at>:
> We have a plan to introduce FLOSS at University of Pedagogy at Vung Tau
> province in Viet Nam. But most of us are in Ho Chi Minh City (130km far away
> from where the event is held). The transportation cost is sponsored by a
> foundation. The problem is there are 10 volunteers registered to join this
> event but some them want to be observer . Until now we just have 4 lectures
> about FOSS, one Ubuntu course and provide free Ubuntu CD. Do you think
> people who isn't assigned any works is ok to came with us? It could cause
> bad impression because they just come and look around. They are very
> enthusiastic in the commnunity and ask them to directly contribute is
> impolite. Is there any activities that all people could work together in
> this event without preparation?
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