Defining "Leader"

Chuck Frain chuckfrain at
Fri Apr 23 14:37:08 BST 2010

And if I have no one willing to sign the LCoC? 

This does and describes nothing beyond the CoC other than putting it
into different words geared towards the 'leaders' of the group from my
quick read of the document.

In my team I'm technically the leader but I assign tasks to people on 
occasion to oversee this project or that. I don't want to have to deal
with 'By the way Bob, before I can ask you to make that flyer you will 
have to sign the LCoC because I'm giving you responsibility here.' 

I know and understand my responsibilities as a contact and leader of the
team. But if I cannot get other members to sign this, when they may not
have even signed the CoC, I'm not going to be able to delegate anything
to anyone. And until I have time to really read and understand it, I may
not be willing to sign it as in the quick read I gave to it I'm
concerned about a few points. What happens then?

You mention in your mail that it would be required of anyone who holds
any materials for the group and fingering financial repurcussions. How
does the LCoC prevent someone from disappearing? There are no legal
responsibilities there. Nothing to sue over. 'Jane ran off with our CDs
after signing the LCoC. She's a bad girl for breaking the LCoC
conditions.' I'm more worried about getting my CDs for the group back
than some CoC/LCoC violation. And if someone wants to run off with
material they are breaking trust with the locals who they have
befriended that could care less at that point about some random LCoC
violation that 'harms the greater Ubuntu community'. Likely the greater
community will only hear a blog post or two about the theft and go on
with their lives after saying 'Oh that's too bad $LOCO_TEAM'. 

I don't see the point in signing yet another CoC type document when the
original one has already largely covered the topics of the new one. 

On Fri, 23 Apr 2010, Paul Tagliamonte wrote:

> Hey LoCo Contacts,
> At our last Council meeting[0] we had discussed having contacts sign
> the LCoC, or Leadership Code of Conduct[1].
> This idea was met with very light opposition based solely on the fact
> that contacts may not be the "leader" of the team, as was pointed out
> ( and exemplified ) by the DistrictOfColumbiaTeam.
> As a result, the natural move is to redefine who must sign the LCoC.
> Following is the current base criteria that the the LoCo Council has
> come up with as a guideline for who will be required to sign the LCoC.
>  * LoCo Contacts
>  * One who oversees people
>  * One who oversees material, or resources
> Here is the Council's rational for each -
>  * LoCo Contacts
> They are the ones that we would get in touch with if we have
> questions. They are the only ones who can request CDs for Shippit, and
> are in control on Launchpad. If they go missing, everyone outside the
> LoCo has a harder time getting in touch with someone who can either
> route the question, or answer it with authority.
>  * One who oversees people
> This is what we were driving at from day 0 with the LCoC. Anyone who
> oversees could mean someone as general as a "president", someone
> designated for IRC administration, or even a local member who ensures
> that events get followed through. A lot of teams object to defining
> leader in terms of Contact because they have a system where the
> "Administrator" is not the POC.
>  * One who oversees material, or resources
> If there is a member who holds all the materials ( posters, signs, CDs
> ), they have a duty and obligation to the team to not just disappear.
> Local Communities are ( more often then not ) run and funded
> exclusively from the members, and a blow such as this would be a large
> financial burden on the team.
> [0]:
> [1]:
> Feedback, as always, is welcome.
> Humbly,
> Paul Tagliamonte, on behalf of the LoCo Council
> -- 
> #define sizeof(x) rand()
> :wq
> -- 
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts at

Chuck Frain 
GPG Key: B2420431

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