IRC Meeting 20th April

Laura Czajkowski laura at
Thu Apr 22 21:48:08 BST 2010


Laura chaired the meeting, and we used mootbot again. We discussed our 
agenda items,and asked Efrain Valles who had been dealing with Ubuntu El 
Salvador for a update. Next agenda item was Leadership CoC not given to 
LoCo Leads this was brought to our attention via a bug and we have two 
outcomes from the meeting. 1) LoCo council to rewiew the terminology and 
better define the word team and report back 2)Look for more input from 
the loco contact list on "signing the Leadership CoC" which is what this 
was all about. Finally the last agenda item was about the new LoCo 
Health check which is being run on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in 

Mexico Team wasn't present and this will be taken to email for follow up 
Brazilian LoCo was asked to come back with a more detailed wiki page for 
their application.

It was a marathon meeting which lasted 3 hours so thanks to all those 
who came and took part! you ROCK!



      North Carolina LoCo was approved


      Vietnamese LoCo was approved



      Finland LoCo


      Català LoCo


      DC LoCo


      Denmark LoCo


      Russian LoCo <>


      Chilean LoCo


      German LoCo

Full log and summary is available -

There will be two separate mails on the follow up topics to be sent 
separately to this list.



Skype: lauraczajkowski

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