Thank you for Ubuntu's success at Anime Boston 2010!
David Overcash
funnylookinhat at
Wed Apr 21 16:40:38 BST 2010
This is awesome. Absolutely fantastic!!
Thanks for the great write-up and pictures - I wish I could have been there!
(Colorado Team)
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:52 PM, Danny Piccirillo <
danny.piccirillo at> wrote:
> I just wanted to send out a quick email to say THANK YOU to everyone who
> helped! The event went very well and we absolutely recommend that other
> groups attend similar events. We have extra materials available if you'd
> like some.
> Post follows:
> Thank you for Ubuntu's success at Anime Boston 2010!
> It's hard to believe how well this has all come together. *If there's one
> thing we would like to say coming from this, it's that Ubuntu and other free
> culture and free software (aka open source) groups need to participate in
> similar events to reach out to non-techie folks.* Any convention more
> tech-focused than this shouldn't need our presence. Let's go over what we
> accomplished: live installs, dancing games, free kopibon, and more!
> <>
> We successfully made Ubuntu highly-visible to thousands of convention
> goers. We kept hearing from people that our booth was very eye-catching and
> really stood out! We can thank the Ubuntu MA<> team
> leader,Martin (DoctorMO) <>, for the awesome banner
> and posters<> we
> had up. On display, we had four machines by System76<>:
> a Starling Netbook, Pangolin Performance, Bonobo Performance, and a 32" HDTV
> hooked up to another Pangolin Performance under the table. Using the big
> screen, we lured in the crowed. Blasting techno and showing off crazy
> compiz-fusion effects, we caught the attention of passersby who were very
> impressed. It wasn't hard to hear outbursts such as, "Who needs Windows 7!?"
> and other comments on how awesome the Ubuntu desktop looked. The response we
> generated was incredible-- people were genuinely amazed!
> Over and over, people approached us with great reactions. Lots of them were
> already using Ubuntu, some knew someone who loved Ubuntu, many had heard of
> Ubuntu, and just as many were curious to find out what it was! The reactions
> we received were a testament not only to how far Ubuntu has spread already
> but also how extremely receptive still-unaware individuals are.
> <> FireFox
> posing in front of our booth!
> Costumed characters stopped by to cheer us on including Zero<> who
> rushed past, snatched a CD, and shouted "Zero uses Ubuntu!" which we were
> very glad to hear, seeing as he ends up uniting the entire world! There were
> also plenty of common citizens drifting through the vast sea of cosplayers,
> unadorned in any costume aside from their own personal style, who excitedly
> approached us. People were openly expressing their appreciation to others
> with exclamations they made on their way from our booth like, "Sweet, I just
> got a new operating system!" Some were asking how they could get more
> involved with advocacy and our group and we even picked up another booth
> helper! This is what we love about the community.
> Many still were the people who came on behalf of someone they knew who
> loved Ubuntu, grabbing materials and goodies to give them later. Most
> important to us, though, was everyone who had never heard of Ubuntu but grew
> excited to learn more upon seeing our display. People took around 500
> double<>
> -sided<> flyers
> about Ubuntu, Free Software (aka Open Source), and the many powerful design
> tools available: Blender, Inkscape, Synfig, GIMP, and MyPaint. An additional
> 550 live CD's and 1000 copies of the Ubunchu <> manga
> were taken (extra comic books available at request<>). We
> even did 5 live-installs, right there at our booth! That number would be
> higher but people just didn't have their machines with them. Our booth
> visitors came with curiosity and left eager to pop in their new LiveCDs.
> <>
> We did live demonstrations of apps like Inkscape, GIMP, and Blender (well,
> we showed off some files from Sintel <>, the
> foundation's latest Open Project<>).
> We played videos like production cuts<> from
> the Morevna Project <> sent to us for the event
> along withThe Matrix Runs on Windows<>,
> and open projects, Elephant's Dream and Big Buck Bunny. We played games like
> Savage2 and StepMania 4.0, breaking out the dance pad which drew in a good
> crowd of dancers and spectators very quickly.
> That's not all. Our presence wasn't limited to the Dealer's Room. We also
> had our flyers and manga on the freebie table and, just like last year, they
> seemed to be the only thing people were really interested in! If we could've
> kept up with how fast they were being taken, we could've distributed a lot
> more. On top of all of this, Martin went up to the Artist's Alley armed with
> our flyers and talked to everyone up there about all the tools available for
> their needs. The artists there were very receptive and it definitely helped
> that we made the effort to reach out to them personally.
> This being our first event of this size, we did learn a few good lessons as
> well, and have some new ideas for the future. You didn't think we were done,
> did you? Overall, we don't feel there was anything missing, but we've
> learned a lot about what this kind of project involves and can do even
> better! Next time we will organize more ahead of time knowing which things
> require more or less time and be better prepared to handle it all more
> efficiently. We'll assemble a team earlier on, and give time to go over the
> good and bad talking points for different kinds of people. It isn't that our
> booth people weren't amazing; it's that we can always work on perfecting the
> art of hooking in as many people as we can, as quickly and effectively as we
> can. One thing which could've been handled better by myself was
> documentation of the event in pictures and video. There was no way for me to
> be behind the camera when the booth was at its busiest because I needed to
> keep the demos going. As a result, all of the pictures in our album<> are
> from the quietest times at our booth. I did leave the camera rolling during
> some periods, so hopefully I'll be able to churn out a decent video with
> that footage, but next time we will dedicate a lot of time to filming and
> photographing.
> Hopefully this have given you a decent picture of how well everything went.
> We were even invited to some other conventions! If you have any ideas, want
> to get involved with the team, or just have questions, please get in touch<>. This
> all started out as a little idea, and thanks to the help of many, it grew
> into the super-successful Ubuntu @ Anime Boston project!
> *Thank you to everyone who helped:*
> <>
> *YOU!*
> Our biggest thanks goes to all of you, the entire community, for all the
> generous support you've given us with banner hosting, donations, and all the
> other help we've gotten. None of this would have happened without all your
> support!
> <>
> The beautiful high-quality laptops and netbook lent to us by System76<> were
> an essential part of this event and their help with promotion was
> invaluable.
> <>
> One thousand flyers courtesy of ProdPromo <> was
> one of our most valuable resources at the convention.
> <>
> Three thousand copies of the Ubunchu Manga in gorgeous quality by Red Sun
> Press <>, a truly environmentally friendly *
> worker-owned* union shop dedicated to social justice.
> <>
> Fiscal sponsorship and guidance from Linux Fund<> helped
> keep this project going.
> <>
> LiveCDs, flyers, and other Ubuntu goodies like hats, t-shirts, silly putty,
> mouse pads, pens, and books from Canonical <> made
> our booth complete.
> <>
> ASCII Media Works provided us with copies of the Ubuntu Magazine<> Japan
> which includes the Ubunchu Manga.
> <>
> A huge thank you to Arturo "C-quel" Silva of Pigux <> for
> being our biggest donor and providing incredible artwork used throughout our
> booth.
> <> <>
> <>
> The Morevna Project <> covered us in a blog post
> and provided us a video of production cuts<>
> . Synfig <>, the main tool behind the project hosted a
> prominent banner on their website.
> <> <>
> Banners hosted by PlayDeb <> and GetDeb<>,
> the popular third-party Ubuntu repos, have helped raise awareness of our
> fundraiser.
> --
> .danny
> ☮♥Ⓐ -
> Every (in)decision matters.
> --
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> loco-contacts at
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