Ubuntu Global Jam - A Marketing Jam?
Dirk Estievenart
dirk.estievenart at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 20:17:52 BST 2009
I think that this is a good idea. As we are starting, marketing will be one
of my main activities for the coming months.
Dirk Estievenart
Luxemburgian LoCo Team
2009/9/19 Rubén Romero y Cordero <huayra op ubuntu.com>
> Hi Daniel!
> I would like to add a "Marketing Jam" or "SpreadUbuntu Jam" taking
> SpreadUbuntu <http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/> as the base and work with
> Material creation, translation of existing material and planning of a
> Marketing campaign towards the Karmic release.
> Shall I just put up a How-To on running that kind of Jam as a draft page
> for further discussion so we can eventually add it to the general overview
> for Global Jams?
> I CC Evan (SpreadUbuntu), Leandro (came up with the idea) and Efrain (been
> in the loop for Marketing activities for a while) for further input.
> Regards,
> Rubén Romero
> https://launchpad.net/~huayra
> --
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