Those aluminium stickers

Pedro Franco pmfranco at
Tue May 5 16:30:31 BST 2009

El mar, 05-05-2009 a las 10:14 +0200, Rubén Romero y Cordero escribió:
> So did I once, but after I ran out of them I did get more stickers
> from them so I ordered an offsett printing for the stickers we use.
> As far as I lknow the 76ers program (stickers, flyers+++ from
> System76) is ment just for the US and Canada. Although I might be
> wrong.
> Regards,
> Rubén R.
We know that in your System 76 contemplates, distributing stickers with
the Loco Teams, through community members, why have distribution points
in various countries. 
Ecuador team like members, we would ask that we take into account for a
distribution point, although we have no answer. 


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