LoCo Governance - How is your LoCo-team organised?

Kevin Cole kjcole at ubuntu.com
Tue May 5 15:26:46 BST 2009

Structure? Organization?  I don't understand. ;-)

We operate in chaos via e-mail primarily.  I tend to send out announcements
of events we can become involved with, and wait to see if anyone's
interested.  We have a couple of yearly events that have become our regular
"big" events (now in our 4th year at some of them).

As for regular meetings, on- or off-line, I wish.  (Well, really I *HATE*
IRC meetings, and would vastly prefer face-to-face.)  However, the will of
the people doesn't seem to be there.

Most of us are involved in education in some way, and a few of the more
active people, myself included, collaborate with other local groups (most
notably, the One Laptop Per Child Learning Club).

We're mostly happy to just rally around things like the release parties /
InstallFests, the Federal Office Systems Expo (FOSE), Software Freedom Day
at the Takoma Park Folk Festival, and the weekly computer clinic at one of
the local public libraries.  Not feeling a need for serious organization,
and if we ever do, I'm definitely not the guy to do it. ;-)

 Kevin Cole                    |  Key ID: 0xE6F332C7   (GPG/PGP)
 Ubuntu Linux DC LoCo Team     |     WWW: http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/

           ". ! 1 |" -- Rene Magritte's computer

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