Planet Issue..

Martin Owens doctormo at
Mon Mar 16 13:50:55 GMT 2009

I had this problem too, I added the ?mrss=off to the end of the feed and
it fixed it. E.G:


It is described in the wiki page for the planet, but perhaps it needs to
be made more obvious that this is a _requirement_ for propper use with
wordpress blogs.

Regards, Martin Owens

On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 09:24 -0400, Og Maciel wrote:
> Hi Efrain,
> > Currently planet Ubuntu-ve holds a feed for several wordpress hosted
> > blogs. these blogs get cut in half and the urls do not point to the
> > blog. they point to the planet.
> Change all feeds hosted on wordpress to use the atom feed. That should
> be as straight forward as changing /rss to /atom but do double-check.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Og B. Maciel
> omaciel at
> ogmaciel at
> ogmaciel at
> GPG Keys: D5CFC202
> (en_US)
> (pt_BR)

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