None Locale, Language Teams

Michael Lustfield mtecknology at
Mon Mar 16 14:51:09 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Martin Owens wrote:
> Hey there,
> I noticed there were two teams which aren't local to an area, but are
> based upon the language. I presume this is so support is easier and
> communications are better.
> But I have to question the logic of these teams being under the LoCo
> project. While Spanish speaking Ubuntu users do make up a community,
> they're not Local Communities.

I do see where these teams are useful to users, but I have a very hard
time seeing where they can really be called LoCo teams. I personally
feel the term web group reflects their activities more.

> Perhaps we need a different super project to handle these groups? That
> way language specific super-groups can handle sharing ideas for those
> locos that speak those languages.

That wouldn't really work since a project group can only contain other
projects, not teams. The idea of a team that contains the different
languages seems a workable idea though. Perhaps ~ubuntu-languages.

> Jono and the LoCo community council, what do you think of these groups?
> what are for and how do they marry up with the geographic setup of LoCos
> so far?
> Best Regards, Martin Owens

- --
Michael Lustfield
Profarius, SD LoCo

Network and Systems Administrator
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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