Ubucon Central America

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 04:25:44 BST 2009

On Fri, 2009-06-19 at 23:03 -0400, Chuck Frain wrote:
> Perhaps Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island should be combined
> for expediency sake while you're condensing things.

Well yes, they will be, it'll be in something called "North America" and
you'll have to drill down to get to "The United States" and then on to
the individual states, I could also join them all up into a New England
section but I think their big enough to be able to be clicked on.

Just like you'd drill down past the Central American region to get to
their countries.

It really doesn't matter where I put them per say, just that the map
isn't filled with lots of tiny areas, it is supposed to be a region map.

Regards, Martin

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