After the Global Bug Jam

Alan Pope alan at
Tue Feb 24 08:47:35 GMT 2009

2009/2/24 Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach at>:
> I didn't mean to limit the discussion to statistics as they are the
> least important part to me, but as we're talking about it already: I was
> thinking of adding something like "Alan Pope managed to do 6 weeks of
> solid 5-a-day in May 2008".

Sorry, yes, I didn't mean to focus just on the stats. It was just the
first thing that popped into my head as I wasn't able to attend our

Dave Walker, our team leader blogged about it and it seems to have
gone very well. I don't know if he's on this list, I'll give him a
poke to make sure he is.

> What about the organisation? What about lessons learned at your event?

We started off planning the event some months ago, and as usual there
was plenty of discussion about where the event should be located. Many
people would find it difficult travelling long distances to the bug
jam, so we clearly stated from the outset that if people wanted to
organise multiple events, then they should go ahead and do it. As it
turned out we had two, one in London and one in the midlands (about 3
hours from London). This meant we could get even more people involved
than if we just had one location.

We also had very regular meetings via irc leading up to the event.
Making sure it was fresh in everyones minds, and we could keep poking
people to look for events and organise travel/facilities. We normally
only meet once a month, so meeting weekly (or in some cases every
other week) leading up to the event really was a great way to make
sure it didnt slip peoples minds.

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