How can we participate in Global Jam?

Greg Grossmeier greg at
Tue Aug 25 14:34:47 BST 2009

<quoting name="Rafael Carreras" date="2009-08-25" time="10:06:42 +0200">

> 2009/8/25 komputes <komputes at>:
> > 1) For IRC, what is the channel that all LoCo members (participating in
> > the GlobalJam) should join?
> I don't know that one. I don't think threre is any specific channel
> for that, but we can always create one or use ubuntu-devel for
> instance.

Well, for general talk with other loco team members, there is always 
#ubuntu-locoteams. Other than that, I would suggest joining the channel 
that best corresponds to what your team is doing during the jam. If bug 
triage: #ubuntu-bugs, if packaging: #ubuntu-motu, etc.



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