Connecting users to LoCo's via IRC

Russell John russell.john at
Mon Aug 3 19:01:50 BST 2009

+1 from Bangladesh team. :)

2009/8/3 Jorge O. Castro <jorge at>:

> Hi everyone,
> Right now in our IRC clients when you launch them we autojoin them to
> #ubuntu. This makes the channel unwieldy, see
> I was wondering how people felt about having the users join
> #ubuntu-COUNTRYCODE instead, so depending on your locale it would join
> you to that channel instead of #ubuntu. How do you feel about this,
> would it be useful for LoCo's or do you feel like you would get
> "spammed" by random users?
> --
> Jorge Castro
> jorge (at)
> External Project Developer Relations
> Canonical Ltd.
> --
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts at

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Russell John | Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance
1024D/91F003D2 | (+88) 0161-Russell |

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