The LoCo Directory and the Launchpad team owner Re: Loco team contact change in Ubuntu-bo

Dave Walker DaveWalker at
Mon Aug 3 14:11:18 BST 2009

Matthew East wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Efrain Valles<effie-jayx at> wrote:
>> We have a very diverse LoCo Governance structure but most of them
>> converge on having a liason with the wider ubuntu community, call it
>> LoCo team contact. To request services and resources from the Ubuntu
>> project, this liason is the person (or someone acting on her/his behalf
>> with her/his consent) is the one that should communicate the needs of
>> the team. example (requests CDs, request mailing lists, web hosting,
>> etc). Does it make sense for this person to be the Team owner in
>> Launchpad?
> No, I don't think so. Larger and/or more developed teams will
> frequently have a situation where a single individual is not the team
> owner, because that can be impractical and doesn't reflect the true
> position of the team.
> For example, I am the team contact for ubuntu-it. The team [1], which
> in turn is made up of quite a few sub-teams [2] is owned by the Ubuntu
> Italian Locoteam Council [3] rather than by me, because the reality is
> that I *don't* own or control the team. I'd be pretty reluctant to
> change that situation.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

I can echo the same statement for the ubuntu-uk team, but for different
reasons.  I am the current leader, but the Lauchpad contact is neither
the current - or any previous team leader.  However, we are both

Whilst there would be real harm in changing this, and i'd feel confident
i *could* do it, there doesn't really seem to be a need.  It's an
administrative duty, and I don't think that a LoCo team leader should
have to be comfortable with Launchpad (although perhaps encouraged).  I
believe it is perhaps improper, to assume that a team leader is the best
person to assume all the roles required to run a LoCo.  It's similar to
putting the team leader as their LoCo sub-forum moderator, even if they
don't regularly use forums.

Kind Regards,
Dave Walker

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