I need help on FOSS Alternatives in Ubuntu

Pomeroy Lab admin at mindblowingidea.com
Thu May 29 20:02:22 BST 2008

Gnukulam this is what the Ultumix GNU/Linux project is all about. We are basing off of Ubuntu 8.04 providing both a KDE and Gnome interface with Mac4Lin and the standard Ultumix interface. We are including installed applications like TimeTrex and others configured for windows and Mac users so that they may find every application they need and quickly adjust. Also we are going to include a step by step video tutorial on the install DVD possibly in Video DVD format so all the user has to do is stick the install disk in their DVD player and watch the video and turn around and install the DVD in their computer. is not available for download yet but should be by next week in both 32 bit and 64 bit versions. If the Standard Edition is not enough for you we have included meta packages that will install all of the games or all of the utilities or both. For some reason Ubuntu 64 bit does not support Frets on Fire the game. It won't work right. No one seems to have
 the answer on how to make it work correctly.

Sridhar Dhanapalan <sridhar at dhanapalan.com> wrote: On Sun, 25 May 2008 at 17:20, Gnukulam  wrote:
> Dear friends
> I am currently the Team leads of the Tamil teams, We have conducts some
> pocket training for the administrator , teachers, lecturers to introduces
> the Ubuntu.
> Its around 30 peoples were get the introduction to the Ubuntu and FOSS on
> the last couple of week. I am really happy to seeing theire  interests in
> the Ubuntu, specially we have thanks the Wubi team because it gave the
> easiest eneternce to the new Foss guiys.
> During that training the new users requesting the alternatives for very
> specifics task on their day to day jobs.

Try the sites listed at http://www.linux.org.au/linux#FindApps 


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