LoCo tools, development

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Thu May 22 13:27:21 BST 2008

In reply to Nick,

> One of the projects I am heading up is a web framework for LoCo's
> powered on Django. It has been slow moving as I haven't had the time
> as of late to get the core up but a lot of ideas have been floating
> about and a few have been put into the Blueprints on Launchpad and the
> wiki.

That is always a problem with foss development, it requires more than
1 person to really get things moving. If you haven't done any code yet
than perhaps it might be worth joining our efforts? If you've got a
base to work from then perhaps it's worth using it.

And to reply to Mark,

> Concerning infrastructure to build on, it might be a good idea to
> start looking at google app engine. Maintenance free, and you can use
> your favorite WSGI python framework. Especially the maintenance free
> part is the big selling point towards locoteams if you ask me...

I'm not keen on google app engine; I'd rather write the thing from
scratch and own and license it without fear that others could not host
it for their own teams. Besides there are plenty of people with plenty
of servers even in my state who would lend space for such projects.

Best Regards, Martin Owens

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