LoCo tools, development

NICK VERBECK nerdynick at gmail.com
Thu May 22 07:16:52 BST 2008

One of the projects I am heading up is a web framework for LoCo's
powered on Django. It has been slow moving as I haven't had the time
as of late to get the core up but a lot of ideas have been floating
about and a few have been put into the Blueprints on Launchpad and the

The only thing I've been contemplating is weather to keep with Django
or move to Pylons or Turbogears 2. As both support the WSGI standard,
and I have yet to hear anything from Django as to them moving to the
standard. WSGI allows you to switch out any component of you base
framework with another with out much work. i.e. If you don't like SQL
Alchamy as your ORM then change it out with something else. This may
be something I put up in front of the group to debate on.

You can find the project here https://edge.launchpad.net/loco-django

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Martin Owens <doctormo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I want to talk to you all about getting some loco specific web based
> tools in development to help loco teams organise resources, members,
> events and meetings.
> I have some ideas about the kinds of web tools which we could make and
> share between our various teams, something that could form the basis
> of our team websites to keep everyone up to date on our events and
> projects. What we'd need for such a collaborative project would be
> people, html, javascript, css and perl/python people. I'm thinking
> druple or some other easy to use FOSS framework and a nice
> mysql/postgress db backend.
> Thoughts?
> As a side note, having a place where we can list loco software would
> be very useful, things like irc bot software, useful scripts ect, i'm
> sure there is already one so we can add the above idea to there.
> Best Regards, Martin Owens
> --
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Nick Verbeck - NerdyNick

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