Everyone! LoCo Team Reports

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Thu Jan 31 22:53:41 GMT 2008

Op donderdag 31-01-2008 om 10:29 uur [tijdzone +0000], schreef Jono
> It just provides a solid date when people can move reports over - the
> beginning/end of the month is often difficult as people are busy,

Not everybody uses the "western" calendar system...

> and the 22nd does not conflict with major holidays, such as Christmas.

Christmas is a major holiday only for a minority of the people on
Earth...  Let's not forget that we have LoCoTeams all over the planet.

Also, February 22nd 2008 is the "Pre-FOSDEM Beer Event", which is of
course a major holiday for all FLOSS/beer lovers who are in Europe that
day...  ;-)

Jan Claeys

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